Saturday, July 26, 2008

3 Days...

I've decided to spend most of these last few days before the test reviewing old essay questions. So I have my MEE essay book and my Arkansas essay book with the "best answers" from previous bar exams. These are just random thoughts I've had going through them.

First, and my favorite part, is that most of the essays tend to have multiple sub-parts. So that gives me plenty of chances to screw up instead of just one or two.

Second, I've noticed that almost all of the torts questions cover negligence. Occasionally there will be an intentional tort, but only rarely. There is often also an issue with minors driving cars - bless kids doing adult activities.

Third, I've always got to be thinking about vicarious liability. If life was actually like bar exam fact patterns, no employer would ever hire another person again. The dumbest people always appear in these questions and almost always end up costing their employers in the end.

Fourth, if there is a trust question on the wills, estates and trust question, most of us are screwed. I'm glad I took decedents' estates and estate planning so I can at least stumble through a trust question. Fortunately for us, Arkansas is still so poor that trusts apparently haven't taken hold well enough to test on the bar exam.

Fifth, the elements of crimes and torts have begun to enter my dreams...I think I'm in pretty good shape for those questions (MBE and essays). Common Law Burglary = breaking + entering + the dwelling of another + at nighttime + with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. theft) therein. I'm not quite as strong when it comes to criminal procedure.

I could go on and on, but I suppose I should get back to cramming. Almost there!

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