Friday, June 27, 2008

Republican Hypocrisy

I can't help but laugh at the current state of the Republican Party. It's not enough just to re-introduce the Marriage Protection Amendment, but they had to completely destroy what little credibility the GOP had by allowing Sens. Larry Craig (R - Bathroom Stall) and David Vitter (R - Prostitution Ring) to co-sponsor the damn thing.

Craig was quite publicly arrested for lewd conduct after a toe-tapping incident in an airport bathroom. He pled guilty to the lesser charge of disorderly conduct after hoping to keep the story out of the press. Once the story broke, however, he nearly resigned, then didn't, then blamed the whole thing on a "wide stance." Right, Senator.

My next favorite co-sponsor is Vitter, married to Wendy and father of their four children. In the Summer of 2007, Mr. Vitter, married to was identified as a client of the DC Madam (Deborah Jeane Palfrey). After being confronted with evidence that his phone number was among those on the infamous list, he came clean with his wife by his side to apologize for the sins in his past. You could almost hear Tammy Wynette singing "Stand By Your Man" in the background. Bill Clinton got impeached for a free blowjob but David Vitter gets away with paying for it. God bless capitalism.

Apart from the hypocrisy of these two, the whole "protect marriage" thing bothers me. Conservatives have the insane delusion that that homosexual community is somehow going to destroy the sanctity of marriage in a way straight people haven't already. 50% of marriages end in divorce. Britney Spears was able to marry and annul the marriage before three days had passed. Ted Haggard, Mr. Super-Mega Pastor "just got a massage" from a male prostitute. Reasonable people can differ on this very divisive issue but the Republican Party and most leaders on the conservative right have completely lost any sort of moral authority on this issue.

1 comment:

cupcakesarenice said...

The Washington Republicans have it all wrong. You can't protect marriage just by being a hypocrite. You have to father (or pop out) 17 children first.