A special thanks to a poster in the July 08 Bar Exam Studying Support Group on Facebook for this. I've adapted it for my situation:
Dear Family Member, Friend or Acquaintance:
Thank you so much for all your support during these last few months. I know I have been rude, cranky, annoying, and any other combination of terms while studying for the bar. I'm sure you're sick of me whining and reciting legal terms. I really appreciate your patience, tolerance, and understanding.
Most of you know that I took the bar exam this week and, for my sake and yours, I would like you to beg the following of you:
(1) Please don't ask me how I think I did. I don't know. I won't know until September 5 at 4:00 pm. And if you ask, chances are you'll hear "Oh my god, I totally failed... the exam was a nightmare." Or some-such variation. During the month-long wait for the results to come back, there might be tears, panic attacks, nausea, or any other physical or emotional manifestation of total and utter devastation, in which case the "How you did" question becomes moot.
(2) If I express any kind of doubt about the test (which I will) or if I keep wailing that "I know I failed" (which I'll know I did,) please don't say "I know you did great." I appreciate the spirit of those words and the support they are intending but, you don't know. In an effort to make your life and mine better, here are some other good suggestions**:
(a) "I bet everyone feels that way"
(b) "It's a hard test, it's supposed to make you feel this way"
(c) "You did everything you could, all you can do now is put it out of your mind"
(d) Hand the person a drink
**Any of these statements could be altered to have similar meaning and combined for maximum efficiency. (D) is always effective, and the more it is used the better everyone will feel.
(3) Only as a last resort use the phrase "I'm sure you passed." It might start a fight, but if nothing else is working maybe that's what the bar-taker is looking for to vent some frustration!
(4) Please don't ask about career plans or job opportunities. I just finished taking the bar. I won't know whether I have a license for months. Maybe I have something lined up, maybe I don't. Right now I just want a drink. And if I can forget everything I learned or that I just took the bar that would be even better.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
I hope this advice saves you many headaches, and when I'm a human being again I will do my best to make it up to you.
Lots of Love,
Bar-Taker July 2008